Monica Say

Code with Nano

About the Innovator

Monica Say is the education innovator behind Code with Nano, the place to go for one-on-one personalized, fun, and easy-going online coding courses for kids! Monica sat down to give us the backstory on her journey as an education innovator and, trust us, you’re going to want to keep reading!


Us: So what’s the story behind launching Nano?

Monica: In college, I worked at a summer computer camp where we taught kids about computer science. That is where I got the nickname Nano and my passion for teaching. In 2020, I decide to start my company Code with Nano with the passion of exposing more K-12 students to coding.

Us: Nano is so creative and out of the box. How do you keep your innovative spirit alive in an industry that often favors cookie-cutter solutions?

Monica: To stay creative I have to be myself and be passionate about what I do.

Us: What was your biggest challenge in getting launched?

Monica: One of my biggest challenges was making the decision to start my own company, not knowing if I would get students.

Us: What was your best early investment as a business owner?

Monica: One of my early best investments as a business owner was pursuing my Master’s degree in computer science.

Us: What is your typical day as an ed entrepreneur?

Monica: My day starts at 8am, I take my daily supplements, make a quick smoothie/snack and start teaching at 9am. I usually have back to back classes, so I start teaching at 9am and finish at 12pm. I then workout, have lunch, and start my second session of classes at 2pm.

Us: What do you wish someone had told you as a new education innovator?

Monica: I wish someone would’ve told me “Monica you can do it!”

Us: What is your favorite story of a child’s experience with Nano?

Monica: My favorite is when moms reach out sharing that their kids have had a hard time learning in school and seeing them laugh, learn, and enjoy classes with Nano is truly the best.

Us: Thank you for chatting with us Monica! We can’t wait to see Nano grow!

Learn more about Monica and Code with Nano at!